Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Saint Bernadette

There's an old nun in Nevers who was buried in about 1880, and when they came to move her body as she became a saint in 1925 they discovered her body was still the same as the day she was buried!
Since that time she lays in a glass coffin for all to view in a small chapel.
She looks a bit like MadameTussaud's figure and they do say her face and hands are now covered with a film of wax
Pretty creepy ?
They do say she was ill for a long time before she died, I wonder if what she had slowed the degradation process ? 
Clearly I have no faith but there was an Irish sister ( nun that is not a secret sister of mine from Ireland) there who kindly explained things.
There's also a grotto where you can light a candle
I don't think it's  in good taste to take a photo of a dead nun so I didn't, it did say no photos but that doesn't usually prevent the odd snap does it? 

I lit a candle for a patient of mine who died recently, I'd known him for over 20 years
He was a good Catholic and went to Lourdes a few times , he would have liked the St Bernadette grotto. 

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